Friday, October 15, 2010

More on the Drug Store

Ford's Pharmacy used to have a Hires Root Beer barrel. You'd get your root beer in frosted mugs - and boy was it good! I wonder if there's anyplace that still uses root beer barrels?

Vickie made some home-made root beer a few years ago. Problem was, she let it ferment too long, kept it in an upstairs bedroom to keep it warm - until one day, just was we were getting to leave on a trip - POP, POP, POP!!!!! The bottles started exploring. We had root beer on the ceiling, on the walls, on the floor - it was a sticky mess. Well, there are some things best purchased at the store - that was the first and only time we tried making our own root beer.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful!! Ford Pharmacy is where Daddy took his film to be developed, where I always got school supplies and where I accidently encountered a boy I had a serious crush on in 7th grade and I could hardly stand up. (I think he did LOOK at me which was a sure sign he liked me!)
