Sunday, January 20, 2013

Why Adam needs Eve

I’m a tea man myself; oh sure I might have a mug of java at the office but my early morning routine is to brew a pot of tea. Occasionally on weekends I’ll make French Press coffee just to get wild and crazy, but usually it’s tea.

This morning as Vickie was fixing breakfast I decided that French Press was a good idea. Just as Vickie was putting the food on the table I went over to the French Press to depress the plunger – it wouldn’t move. I pressed it again…still no movement. I figured maybe it would help if I just lifted the lip a wee bit and then pushed down on the plunger…have you ever seen Old Faithful erupt? Better yet, what about Mount Vesuvius? Volcanic ash (make that coffee grounds) came out of that carafe along with piping hot coffee and engulfed the counter, the wall, the canister set, the crock on the counter with kitchen utensils, the window and windowsill, and my right hand and arm. Whooo-eeee!!! My my my – what did I do?!!!

The good news, the really good news, is that the dogs were outside and Vickie was on the other side of the kitchen.

“Go sit down and let’s have breakfast and I’ll clean up,” she said.

“No, I’ll clean.”

“No,” she said, "let’s have breakfast and I’ll clean up.”

After taking a few wipes of the countertop and the windowsill to make some attempt at amends I sat down and we had breakfast.

When it comes to messes Vickie and I have a pretty good thing going, if I make a mess she cleans it up and if she makes a mess I clean it up. I guess we both figure that the one who made the mess is so stressed that the least the other can do is to have the other go chill and then take care of the mess. We still talk about the time when she dropped a huge bowl of pasta sauce – I rang up the credits on that clean up – it was almost like cleaning up after the Exxon Valdez.

A bit later in the day I decided I wanted to go back to the Zuck Homestead and move some raised beds over to our new garden – yes I knew we’d had rain and snow for a few straight days, yes I knew the ground might be muddy – but hey, yesterday it didn’t rain so things were probably ok at the garden. Did I mention that Eve said this wasn’t a good idea? But look, I have few days off, it’s too dark to work outside by the time I get off and I need to get this stuff done.

So I drove our little Ford Ranger pickup over to the garden. I tried backing into the garden to get close to the raised beds…the wheels started spinning. Oh, oh, not good. I managed to pull out of the garden, got out of the truck, and inspected the ground surrounding the garden. After a thorough inspection I decided that I could drive around the back of the garden and approach the raised beds from another direction.

Things were looking pretty good as I drove around one side of the garden, made the turn up the back of the garden, and then wheeled the truck and prepared to backup alongside the raised beds…the wheels started spinning…oh, oh, not good. But hey, I had extricated myself from the front of the garden, I could do it again. As I engaged in that old time truck’n rock and roll to propel the truck out of the rut there wasn’t much rock’n or roll’n but there sure was a lot of spin’n.

Ok, I can do this, I can get out of here. I put some branches and brush beneath the wheels – here we go!!! Nope, nothing…this is not looking good.

I called Vickie, “It’s me. I’m stuck in the garden and I just wanted to make sure you were still in the house in case I have to call you back to come and get me. I wanted to make sure you weren’t outside doing yard work. I’m sure I can get out, I’ll call you back in a few minutes.”

More brush under the wheels. More attempts at rock n’ roll…more spinning – the muffler was getting closer to the ground; oh, oh, not good.

I called Vickie back, “Can you please come and get me?”

After she arrived and inspected the situation and we were walking back to her car I headed to the driver’s side for the trip home. “Oh no,” she said, “I’ll drive.”

“You don’t trust my driving today?”

“No I don’t. You just sit in the passenger’s seat and when you get home find somewhere to sit and don’t move the rest of the day.”

Figuring that I should be thankful that she even came to get me I went along with the program. Tomorrow David will get his tractor and pull the truck out of the mud.

Well – that’s how my day went.

Now you know one of the many reasons Adam needs Eve.

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