Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Holding His Hand

Recently I was walking with my four-year old grandson when he said, "Grandpa, hold my hand, I don't want to get lost."

In that instant I thought of all the years I've known Jesus and that if I come to the end of this life and haven't learned to hold His hand, to trust Him - well, what will have been the point of it all? What is the point of learning, reading, speaking, doing. listening - if I haven't come to know what it is to simply hold His hand so I don't get lost? 

I had an image in that instant of a desk filled with things representing the many years of my Christian life;.the things I've learned, the things I've said and done. All of those things were swept off the desk and what was left was me holding the hand of Jesus, for all of the "things" mean nothing if I haven't learned to hold His hand in trust.  

My grandson had distilled the essence of the Christian life - holding the hand of Jesus so we don't get lost.

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