Monday, March 15, 2010

Profile – Bible College VI – Some Reflections

Before I share a bit more about the Exodus, I want to reflect on my overall experience at the Bible College. 

You’ve probably noticed that I haven’t used the school’s name or location; here’s why:

I hold no ill-will over what happened, I didn’t then and I don’t now. I’ve made so many mistakes in my life, done so many stupid things, done so many sinful things, that who am I to  uncover the sins and stupidity of others? Christ calls us to cover not to uncover.

The school has since repented of its stance on segregation – so why would I want to bring up the past? I’m sharing this part of my life because I want to share about George Will and because this was an early formative experience for me.

I had some great times at the school. I recall nights of prayer in the church located on campus. I had intensive Bible study, both in classes and on my own. And of course I met George and was introduced to writers who would help mold my life.

It never occurred to me that the school would be segregated – segregation was outside my life experience. Now I had seen racial prejudice a few times growing up, but I attended integrated schools, I went to a high school with students from all over the world, I lived in a cosmopolitan area, I visited friends in predominately African-American neighborhoods, why the church I attended in the Silver Spring – Wheaton area was integrated. A fellow high school student, who was black, was an early influence on my Christian life; I visited his home and his church. 

I, as many other students, simply ignored the racist policy of the school in that when we went into the city we mingled with African-Americans. I’d like to think that had I been older and more aware of the civil rights climate of the time that I would have gotten back on the bus when I figured out what was going on and returned home – but I didn’t. I’m not even sure when I realized what was going on – like I said, the whole thing never crossed my mind. I was naive about the race problem in our country – I was also only just 16 years old. 

I’d like to say that I intentionally challenged the school’s policy in my devotional, but I can’t say that with certainty. I did mean what I said in terms of loving people of all races – no question about that – but that was natural to me, it was natural to my understanding of the Gospel and of Jesus Christ – I wasn’t out to be a crusader, I was just calling the balls and strikes as I saw them.

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