Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Garden Hose

Rather mundane? I suppose. But the image is with me. Yesterday as I was watering our vegetable garden (lettuce, potatoes, Swiss chard and Brussels sprouts) the water stopped flowing through the hose. This is a common occurrence with our hoses, akin to a string of Christmas tree lights not working. Since I knew that the water supply was good (even though we’re on a well I hadn’t watered that much) I looked for a kink in the hose; sure enough there it was only a few feet away; as soon as I straightened the hose the water continued its flow.

I thought about how sin blocks the flow of Christ’s life in me. When I allow sin to bend my thoughts, my heart, my actions – oh and especially my words! – the free-flowing life of Christ in me is restricted; when this happens I can’t water those around me. The problem is never with the supply, the Spirit of Christ, unlike our well, is inexhaustible; God gives us His Spirit freely to enjoy; the problem is always with me – when my life is bent by sin I need only to look in the mirror to find the culprit.

When my garden hose is bent and restricted I am quick to diagnose and correct the problem – am I as quick to deal with sin? Am I as quick to repent and seek the grace of Christ to unbend me (which I cannot do on my own)? Am I quick to desire the free-flow of His grace through me so that others may be blessed?

Jesus says, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’” [John 7:37-38]. This is the normative picture of the Christian life for it is Christ’s picture. Jesus tells a woman that He will put a fountain of water in her springing up into eternal life and that she’ll never thirst again (John 4:12). These are images of infinite supply and free-flowing water – water for ourselves and water for others.

Dare we to believe the word of Jesus?

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