Saturday, July 4, 2015

Plant a seed, reap rebellion

If I don’t want invasive bamboo in my yard then I ought not to plant it. If I want tomatoes then I ought not to plant green beans. The fundamental principle, attested in Scripture, is that we’ll sow what we reap.

Can a nation conceived in revolution reap anything but revolution?

A seed of corn has never produced a squash.

I can repent of planting the seed of corn, dig it up, and plant a squash seed. But if I deny that I haven’t planted corn in an area designated for squash, no matter how vehement my denial, I shall have corn. I may hate you if you call what I have planted corn, I may insist it is really squash – I may yell that you are not my friend – but I shall still have corn – though in my mind I may have squash.

Can a nation conceived in revolution reap anything but revolution?

There are political rebellions and there are moral and spiritual rebellions.

Could it be that after America declared its independence from Great Britain that it embarked on a campaign to declare its independence from God?

Can a nation conceived in revolution reap anything but revolution?

The apotheosis of rebellion against our Creator is when we codify our rebellion by saying, “We reject the notion that you exist. We reject the idea that there is anyone or anything higher than we are and to whom we are accountable. We will define and redefine ourselves as often as we see fit.” 

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