Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Truth Is Short – Lies Are Long

It has occurred to me that when I ask a question and someone gives me a short reply that they are usually telling the truth, but when the reply to my question goes on and on that I am usually not hearing the truth. When someone doesn’t want to give me a direct answer they try to evade the question with a storyline to divert my attention from the question – they think I won’t realize that I’m not getting a direct answer.

I’ve seen this at work a lot, but I’ve also seen it in other relationships. I sometimes wonder if the other person isn’t trying to convince himself that the story he is giving me is the truth.

Sadly, there are enough “role models” in positions of authority to teach others how to avoid the truth, and perhaps how to convince themselves and others that a lie is the truth. It has become the norm.

It doesn’t take that long to tell the truth – the truth is direct and straightforward. When we live in the light we can move freely; but when we spin tales of deceit we have to carefully walk in darkness and shades and that often requires a lot of words. 

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