Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nature Boy

I’d like to introduce Nature Boy, a Catahoula Leopard Dog; this breed is the official state dog of Louisiana. Nature Boy is getting up in years but he still commands attention, especially if you’re not on the guest list.

“Nature” belongs to the Revere family; Patrick and Alice, and the twins, Silas and Seth. When Nature speaks, the other dogs listen.

When we first moved here Nature Boy came down a couple of times a day to inspect the newcomers. While Vickie and I have been around Nature all his life, he had not met Lina and Lily. Nature would amble down to our place, bark a few times (he has a serious bark!) and then head home, having let everyone know that this is his domain. Lina, who is five years old and generally timid, was protective of Lily, who was less than a year old when we arrived. It’s one of the few times we’ve seen Lina being assertive; she made sure Nature wasn’t going to hurt Lily – which he wasn’t – but hey, he’s a big dog with a big bark.

A couple of days ago Nature was visiting and Lily came up to him and licked him on the nose – so everything is cool with the dog cousins.

This is Wallace. He is a Rat Terrier and his parents are David and Sally.

A while back someone was visiting Patrick and saw Nature Boy and Wallace walking across the yard together. Because Nature Boy’s eyes are glassy the visitor assumed Nature is blind. He said, “Look at that little dog leading that big blind dog. That’s really something.” No one said anything different to the visitor and he’s probably still telling people about it.

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