Monday, July 4, 2011

A Prayer Request

The following was sent by a brother in Christ yesterday, and I share it that those who read this Blog might pray for Tyler and also for the prayer time tomorrow evening at Messiah Christian.



Good Afternoon Friends and Family,

Stephanie and I have been spending much time in prayer, meditation, reading God’s word and then praying some more.  I have been asking God what he wants me to do in and through this medical situation Tyler is now experiencing.

God gave me some clarity in the mist of the fog I have been walking around in. The vision the Lord gave me is to bring the body of Christ together for a time to worship and prayer and ask that God use us to glorify Him in and through these hard times. We want people to see God’s grace in action, His mercy being new every day, and His healing touch on Tyler. 

I have had the privilege to serve alongside many of you in ministries involving marriages, (Week-End to Remember) (I Still Do Conferences) counseling, as well as with Men’s ministries, Crown Financial Ministries, Compass, Racial reconciliation and many others. All these ministries point to one thing and that is to know God’s truth and that truth will set people free. Free to have a purposeful relationship with Him.

I have always had a passion to see the body of Christ come together to love each other and serve together. I believe this is a time for us to come together in love and serve each other.

Many of you know that my grandson, Tyler, has Aplastic Anemia. He has received treatment for this disease since February, which has included transfusions of platelets, red cells and white cells. Tyler has experienced so many complications along with this disease. He had a fungal infection and now has a viral infection that is attacking his liver, kidneys, gallbladder, and lungs. (They will be doing another CT Scan today because of a spot they found on his neck).

 I am now requesting my friends in ministry to come together for a time of worship and praying for Tyler. I know I did not plan in advance for this time of prayer, but the problems that Tyler is experiencing did not warn us either. I am asking you to consider this request with the utmost seriousness.

Please consider joining us Tuesday (7/05/11) night at 7pm at Messiah Christian Church.
Please consider asking people you know that has faith in God’s healing power to join us.

Blessings to all,
Steve Smalley

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