Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kong Versus Sears Lawnmower

Kong is a brand of dog toy, among other things they make balls – note the ball on the lawnmower.

No doubt they call their firm Kong because of King Kong, not to be confused with Hong Hong, or Hong Kong, or Honolulu.

Now we know about dog toys because we’ve had some of the all-time great chewers in our home. Darby, our Shepherd – Lab who is now in Narnia, could take a couch to pieces in seconds, chewed a bathroom vanity, and could have probably stopped a semi-truck in its tracks in her youth. Lily, our sweet Border Collie knows a thing or two about deconstruction too, she could probably get a tenured professorship at an Ivy League College. (Sorry, that was a pun that few (any?) will get, but hey, it’s my blog and I get to be goofy once in a long long while).

Anyway, I came home from work a couple of weeks ago and Vickie told me that when she was cutting the grass that she ran over Lily’s Kong ball; or should I say, “ball by Kong”? There was no damage to the ball, but the lawnmower had problems after the encounter. She was worried that she’d bent the shaft because from that point on in cutting the grass she had to lift the back end of the mower for it to go.

Upon inspection I found that the shaft was fine, the blade was fine, what wasn’t fine was the mowing deck – Kong had bent the steel deck, torn it backwards so that part of it was catching the ground! No wonder the poor wife had to lift the rear up to make it go.

With the help of Channel Locks I did some body work and the mower is serviceable.

I’m not kidding when I say that there is not a mark on that ball – Kong came through the match with not a scratch – and it almost took our lawnmower completely out.

A couple of days ago when I was cutting the grass and saw Kong on the lawn I put it on the porch – I wasn’t taking any chances.

If you need a tough toy for your dog…or your toddler…I recommend Kong!

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