Thursday, May 31, 2012

With Real Tomato Taste

“With Real Tomato Taste”; that’s what the sticker on the tomato said. I guess there are so many fake tomatoes in our grocery stores that we need assurance that we’re purchasing a real tomato.

“But it looks like a tomato, so shouldn’t it taste like a tomato?”

When is a tomato not a tomato? Is it when it doesn’t taste like a tomato? If a tomato tasted like a banana would it be a tomato or a banana? If a banana tasted like an orange would it be an orange or a banana?

Does this make any sense? It makes about as much sense as a sticker on a tomato telling me that it tastes like a tomato – well, maybe not – for there sure are a lot of tomatoes in grocery stores that don’t taste like tomatoes – the problem is, they don’t taste like anything, not like bananas or oranges or even rhubarb. At least if a tomato tasted like rhubarb one could make a pie.

Do you wonder what we’re really eating?

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