Monday, February 1, 2016

Leadership Without Gravitas

I am too quick to judge. Of course, if someone has sprinkled rat poison on my pancake it may be that being quick to judge is helpful.

I was at what I thought was a business event, instead I had a throwback to kindergarten – except that my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Jingles (yes, that was her name), could lead us in games because she had gravitas about her – we learned and we played and we knew who the teacher was. She, in her own way, inspired us.

When leaders can no longer inspire they entertain or they make lots of noise and commotion – or they do it all at once. Instead of vision we have entertainment. Sustained vision requires sustained thinking…no wonder there is no long-term vision to be found.

As I reflected on the business event I realized that what I saw is what the attendees see from leaders every day – religious leaders, political leaders, business leaders. The attendees were mimicking their culture, and sadly perpetuating it. Too bad Mrs. Jingles isn’t still around. 

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