Wednesday, February 3, 2016

A Masked Ball

I realize that we can’t lay the blame entirely on advertising, the blame must be on us all collectively, but since most advertising has little to do with the actual product – the industry has done an admirable job in teaching us to avoid critical issues, not think things through, not ask questions, and sidestep the unpleasant.

Perhaps advertising is only superseded in this respect by the spin doctors of corporations and politicians. We are being tutored in lying and subterfuge to the point that the truth is alien to our thinking. The idea that “perception is reality” is a fool’s mantra – a day of reckoning will come, sooner or later.

“Perception is reality” leads to deception, which leads to more deception, which leads to more deception – who can we believe when everyone lies? We justify our deception under the ideas of advertising, marketing, spinning a narrative – the ends justify the means…but neither the ends nor the means are worthy of pursuit.

We are at a masked ball – but the dancers have forgotten who they really are. When the ball ends they won’t know where to go home to, for they no longer have homes…they are homeless and restless…

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