Sunday, July 13, 2014

German Johnson Tomatoes

About a week ago I saw a large pink tomato at the bottom of one of our plants; its size was perfect for BLTs, just perfect. Since it wasn’t red I was afraid to pick it – better to let it fully ripen. A couple of days ago I asked Vickie to check it to see what she thought. She looked at it, noticed it was beginning to rot on the bottom, and went online to see what German Johnson tomatoes look like when they are ripe…they look pink.

I harvested the tomato and after cutting away the rotten part we had enough for two BLTs. Now we know to look for pink and not red on our German Johnson tomato plants.

How often do we expect people to look the same as they mature? How often do we fail to appreciate the nuances and differences in people and thereby fail to appreciate the gifts and graces and insights that others may bring to our congregations, communities, and business organizations? Had Vickie not checked to see what German Johnson tomatoes look like when ripe we would have allowed much fruit to rot on the vine. How much fruit do we allow to rot in the lives of others because we expect everyone to look the same, act the same, respond the same? How much fruit does God produce in the lives of others that we disregard? 

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