Monday, October 20, 2014

Ebola and Sin - I

I’m sure many are making comparisons between Ebola and sin; not that those who have Ebola have it because they have engaged in a particular sin or are the particular focus of some divine judgment, but rather that our responses to Ebola and sin have much in common.

There is the “that is them and they aren’t us” attitude. West African isn’t North America and we aren’t going to get involved…at least we’re aren’t getting involved until Ebola becomes a threat to us. How often do we see others mired in sin and hopelessness and think, “They deserve it,” or “There’s nothing I can do to help,” or “I have nothing in common with them”? Our sin is respectable sin and the sin of others is coarse – they might at least have the common sense to engage in socially acceptable sin.

It appears that our government has known about Ebola in West Africa since March, it’s now October; it is only when it has become a threat to us that we’ve responded. Now we’re told that we need to go to war against Ebola. Would that the church would go to war against sin in its midst, against sin and uncleanness in our hearts and minds and checkbooks and economics and entertainment and language. Would that the church would go to war against the sin of self-preservation and selfishness and shoddy self-centered theology and cold heartedness toward our neighbors.

To be continued…

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