Friday, July 29, 2016

Running After Bread Crumbs

I was with a group of people discussing the renovation and redecoration of a business office. The interior designer said, “I’ll come up with wall hangings that won’t offend anyone.”

That is what we’ve come to isn’t it? And in coming to this we have come to the other end of the spectrum as well, an uncontrolled passion and anger to offend without caring how it may hurt and destroy others. The masses have been bludgeoned into a mental and emotional stupor that have robbed them of intellectual and emotional vitality – once they could not speak what they thought for fear of retaliation, now they cannot speak because they cannot think or feel.

Over and above the masses are those at war, call it what you will, it is about control and power. Truth is hardly the object, for those at war employ spin doctors as their medics and manipulate words and images to achieve their own ends. Those at war seek to manipulate the masses, and succeed, by telling them what they want to hear as many times and as many ways as they want to hear it – the immediate is all that matters, instant emotional, psychological, and material gratification.

The masses are like pigeons in a park, running to this person and then to that person, they will run to whoever is throwing the bread crumbs. Sadly, again, the pigeons run to and fro listening to preachers of prosperity and peace and self-promotion – who needs the Bread of Life in Jesus Christ if we can have bread crumbs? Following Jesus will cost us our lives, running after bread crumbs costs us nothing…we think.

A wicked irony is that those who think they are in charge have become spatially disoriented to the point where they no longer know the truth from a lie; whether in government, politics, education, business, the arts…and sadly in much of the church. This is not relegated to one group, it is pervasive.

Everything outside of Jesus Christ and His Word is uncertain.

“The nations have sunk down into the pit which they have made; in the net which they hid, their own foot has been caught,” Psalms 9:15.


  1. "Wall hangings?" That won't offend? I'm using my imagination ... What WOULD be offensive/inoffensive?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's a comment I wish I had asked - it might have led to good discussion - I missed that opportunity. When I see her again I'll ask her.
