Thursday, February 9, 2017

Where is George?

I haven’t heard from my friend George Will for quite a few months. Where is he? Is he dead? That’s not a thought I like to think, but I do think it. After all, he is about 80 years old now and he’s been travelling for around 51 years – pretty much ever since I met him in 1966 in Greenville, SC. When is the last time I saw him? Around 1977 in Gainesville, FL. For the past few years we’ve talked every 6 months or so, he’ll call me when he is back in the US from Europe. But I haven’t heard from him for a long time. Where is he? Is he dead?

I’m going to have to call the numbers I have for him and see if anyone answers. He has a son, Art; and a daughter, Debbie. I’ve been praying for them for years and years. They are younger than I am but I’m not sure how much younger, probably no more than 10 years.

Of course if George is dead he really isn’t dead, he is with Jesus. Now I don’t mean he is in one of those “better places” that people talk about when they don’t know what else to say. I mean come on…in a better place? That could mean a sunny beach or a river cruise on the Rhine or an ice cream store – what is this “better place” business? None of that for George – George has always been a Jesus man – a man following Jesus. You can bet that if George laid his body down, if he breathed his last breath, that he just kept on following Jesus right into heaven.

I might have disagreed with George on a lot of things, but I sure do/did agree with him that following Jesus either means everything or it means absolutely nothing – there just ain’t no logical in-between. Friends can put up with a lot of differences between them if they are sold on Jesus, sold on Him and sold-out for Him. I have met few others as sold-out for Jesus as George Will. Yes, the old boy is/was eccentric, no doubt about it – he had/has his ways – oh but how good old George loves Jesus.

I guess I’d better call those numbers this week.

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