Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Musing in Samuel (4)

“Now the sons of Eli were worthless men; they did not know Yahweh…Now Eli was very old; and he heard all that his sons were doing to all Israel, and how they lay with the women who served at the doorway of the tent of meeting.” 1 Samuel 2:12, 22.

Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were polluting the offerings of God, were using the priesthood for their own gain, and were profaning a sacred place by violating women of Israel. They did not know God, yet they were priests. They were priests, yet they were violating women. They were using the things of God and the priesthood for their own pleasure and gain.

A survey of Jude’s NT letter, and of Peter’s second NT letter, demonstrates that the enemy of God constantly seeks to destroy true worship by bringing filth into the community of believers, thereby damaging the faith and witness of men and women and children. It has always been this way, and it will continue to be this way until our Lord Jesus returns in all of His glory to bring an end to the present age and the image of Daniel Chapter Two.

Eli tolerated the apostasy of his sons rather than hold them accountable. Where was Eli during all this? Why was not Eli ministering to the people of Israel when they came to worship? Why wasn’t Eli protecting the women who worked in the precinct of the Tabernacle? Was he focused on eating, then eating some more, and then eating some more – he could not help getting old, but perhaps had he been active in the priesthood he might have avoided getting fat (1 Samuel 4:18).

What are we to think when we see sexual scandals in the professing – church? Why has there been virtually no accountability? Why cover-ups? Why putting money and reputation and public relations before truth? Why no care and concern for those who cannot speak for themselves and defend themselves?

Where is accountability regarding sound Biblical doctrine and the authority of the Bible? Where is accountability concerning the centrality of Jesus Christ? How many churches and groups of churches are condoning, and even promoting, teaching and behavior every bit as disgusting as that of Eli’s family?

Make no mistake, every time someone in “Christian” leadership uses worship for his or her own means and ends; every time such people divert worship from God to themselves; every time the people of God are made merchandise of – we have the family of Eli among us.

We ought not to read the account of Eli’s priestly family and say, “Look at them.” We ought to read the account and say, “Look at us.”

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