Thursday, May 28, 2020

Isn't It Time?

In sorting through old files the other day, I came upon the piece below, written in 1985. How my heart was breaking then, and even more so today, when I see God's People living as if they are paupers, living as if the Prodigal Son had come home only to have the Father treat him as a hired servant. Why O why do we live as spiritual dumpster divers - eating scraps from back alleys - refusing to accept the incredible wholeness that we have in Jesus Christ? 

Why do we define ourselves by our insufficiency, rather than Jesus Christ's all-sufficiency? (1 Cor. 1:30 - 31). 

Jesus rolls the stone away, and we are conditioned to roll it back. Jesus rends the veil in two, giving us access to an intimate relationship with the Trinity, and we insist on sewing the veil back together. 

Isn't it time that we stopped this nonsense? What are we afraid of? 

Isn’t It Time?

Robert L. Withers, Easter 1985

An empty tomb
A new life
A life free
            from fear
            from death
            in all of their forms

A life free to live
            free to give
            secure in His love
                        which dispels all fear
            secure in His life
                        which has destroyed all death

An empty tomb
A new creation
A new rising
            of faith
            of life
In everything we see
In everything we touch

A new awareness
            of whom He is
            of whom we are in Him
            of whom we are in each other
An empty tomb
            He was there
            but now is risen
            as are we
            in Him

The final fear has been destroyed
The final limitation has been removed
Before us lies infinite inheritance
That we have in our infinite Father.
Shall we possess it?

The stone has been rolled away
Let us not move it back
Let us not reenter the tomb
            by giving place to fear
            by giving place to death
Let us not undo what He has done
Let us live in His resurrection.

Let us walk each day
            as those who have risen with Him
And let us roll stones away
            whenever and wherever we find them
And let us say to our neighbor
            by both word and deed
                        that He is risen
                        that the tomb is empty
            and that we can leave
                        fear and death
                        never to return to them.

Isn’t it time that we
Stopped feeling guilty
And started feeling whole and complete
In Him?

Isn’t it time that we
Stopped feeding on fear
And started feeding on the liberty
That we have in Him?

Isn’t it time that we
Stopped catering to our insecurities
And began giving to others in the security
That we have in Him?

Isn’t it time that we
Stopped worrying that He will
Roll the stone back
And started experiencing His love?

 Isn’t it time that we
Started living as resurrected
Sons and daughters
Of the Living God?

I know that it is time!
For the tomb is empty
The stone has been rolled away
There is, my friend, a New Day in Jesus Christ.

“…our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death, and has brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel.” 2 Timothy 1:10.

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