Monday, August 15, 2016

Corporate Mission Statements

Corporate mission statements can make hypocrites of employees, for a text that most people realize is façade and yet which employees must pretend is true makes employees hypocrites.

On the other hand, if corporate mission statements are used as a text to challenge the entire organization, then the statements become living, something to interact with, something to challenge culture and actions with – but otherwise such statements foster deceit for people must learn, in the interest of self-preservation, to act as if they are true when in fact they are not.

Many mission statements are probably written because competitors have them and clients expect them. Few are likely written with the expectation that they actually be used to measure not just corporate behavior but, more importantly, executive behavior. Where is the CEO or chairman of the board who says, “Critique me by using our mission statement and our core values”? 


  1. Sensitivity training comes to mind.

    1. Yes Sal, I hadn't thought of that - there is an irony in that sensitivity training can desensitize us to truth and reasoned discourse - it makes us hypocrites.
