Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Disgrace at the Olympics – Lies and more Lies

Not to excuse the lies told by some American swimmers regarding a drunken night out, and not to excuse the term “I over exaggerated” (what does that mean?), but honestly, what do we expect when our society itself is drunk on immorality and lying (we call it “spin”) has become a way of life?

Our politicians and corporate leaders lie, many of our religious leaders and academic leaders lie – but they are too powerful for us to do anything about…or we are too lazy to do anything about the lies…when we take time to investigate them.

Perhaps the mistake the swimmers made was in not understanding that they are not rich enough or powerful enough to be admitted to the fraternity of those who can lie with relative impunity.

The swimmers are us – just as our politicians are us – that may disturb some of us, while some of us may think it is life as usual and as long as our needs and wants are being met we don’t really care.

I don’t think we are all that upset about the lies the swimmers told, it is just that they were stupid about it – haven’t we taught them better, haven’t we taught them that if they lie they ought not to be caught, and that if they are caught they are to spin and spin and spin and to do it well. That is not a stroke they have mastered in swimming in our society - they are not yet gold medal lying material...let us hope they never will be. 

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