Saturday, April 20, 2019

Who Made the Nails?

Who Made the Nails?
April 14, 2019, Bethlehem Congregational; Prince George, VA        Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12
Bob Withers

            (First Person Narrative begins)

            What a mess!  Three dead men.  Two criminals…and one…one…well…who knows just who 

He was…or is?  At least the bodies have been taken away…the criminals to the burial pit…the 

Other…I understand Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate and got special permission to take His body 

down and put it in Joseph’s own tomb.  Apparently Nicodemus helped him place this Jesus in the 

tomb and they wrapped it with spices and cloths.
            What’s this down here?  A nail?  (Bend down and pick up spike). How many times have I told those soldiers to clean up after themselves?  This must have been one of His nails…Don’t they know that a man could get hurt walking on these things?  Don’t they know I’ve better things to do than to go around picking up nails?  Picking up their trash?
            Hum…I wonder whom they’re buying their nails from these days?  With all the crucifixions going on it wouldn’t be a bad contract to have.  Let’s see, I don’t see a trademark on it…I wonder who made this thing?  Maybe I’ll keep this one as a souvenir, or maybe…since it was used on Him…on that strange one…maybe I’ll sell it to one of His followers…that is if any of them still have the nerve to call themselves His followers.  Ran away like a pack of rats off a ship they did!
            I wonder who made this nail?  If I could find out maybe I could get a few of them and sell them for souvenirs…maybe I could make a pretty penny out of this?
            Perhaps Pilate made the nails?  After all, Jesus was crucified by Roman soldiers, He was mocked by them, tortured by them.  Pilate could have let Jesus go.  He could have found Jesus innocent.  In fact Pilate said, “I find no fault in Him.”  Pilate crucified an innocent man.  Pilate succumbed to the pressure of the Jewish leaders and the crowds by crucifying Jesus and freeing the murderer Barrabbas.
            What do you mean the soldiers killed Jesus and not Pilate?  Sure the soldiers performed the act, but Pilate gave the order.  Surely Pilate manufactured the nails.
            Or, suppose we consider the Jewish leaders and the crowds.  The crowds shouted to Pilate that they wanted Jesus crucified and that they wanted a murderer to be released instead.  So Pilate wouldn’t have crucified Jesus had it not been for the crowds yelling and screaming and thirsting for blood.  So the crowds must have been the ones to manufacture the nails.
            But what about the priests?  If they hadn’t plotted against Jesus He wouldn’t have been arrested…and if they hadn’t incited the crowds the crowds may have asked for His release.  So it must have been the priests who made these nails.
            How about the disciples?  After all they all deserted Him, if they had stayed and defended Him perhaps He wouldn’t have been arrested.  Perhaps they could have refuted the lies told about Him at His trial.  Perhaps it was His followers who made these nails?
(End of first person narrative)
Who manufactured these nails?  Suppose you have company over this afternoon after church and talk turns to the Crucifixion and someone asks you the question, “Who manufactured the nails?”  How would you respond?  What would you say?  Who made these things?
            Why did Jesus die?  Did He die because He was railroaded?  Did He die because of a conspiracy?  Did He die because He was a good man?  Did He die because He was a prophet?  Why did Jesus die?  Who manufactured the nails?
            750 years before His crucifixion Isaiah the prophet has the Word of God come to him, and even though he doesn’t understand all that he sees and hears, he writes what God gives him.  He portrays the Messiah, the One promised to Abraham, the One spoken of by Moses, the descendent promised to King David.  In verses 7 – 12 of Isaiah 52 Isaiah portrays the Messiah as a conqueror, a deliverer, One who is reigning, comforting His people, One who is manifested to all the nations of the earth.  And just as things seem to be reaching a crescendo in the prophecy in verse 13, “He shall be exalted and lifted up and shall be very high,” Isaiah is startled by an image, a vision, a Word from God….
            “Many are astonished at Him, His appearance was so marred, beyond human appearance…and His form beyond that of the sons of men.”  What can this mean?  What happened to the Messiah, the One who is coming to reign over the earth, the One who is coming to bring deliverance and salvation to His people?
            53:2  “He had no form or comeliness that we should look at Him, and no beauty that we should desire Him.”  53:3“He was despised and we esteemed Him not.”
            A few years ago when Ross Perot was running for president I recall watching the vice-presidential debate.  Since it was a three – way race there were three candidates on the platform – representing the Democratic, the Republican and the Reform parties.  The two main candidates were sharp looking, articulate, with make-up on for television…they could have stepped out of the cover of some slick magazine.  When they were asked questions they responded with canned and predictable answers, more often than not answers that really didn’t mean much, other than they knew what they could safely say without losing too many votes.
            But the Reform party candidate had obviously never read GQ magazine…and he probably purchased his suit off the rack at a retail store…and he was slow to answer questions…he lacked the toothpaste ad style cotton candy teeth and grin to display to the camera…to the American public he came across as a loser…when in fact he had served his country as none of the other two had served their country…for all of his adult life he had served his country…not with his mouth, not with slick sounding words…not with a toothy sickening sweet smile…but Admiral Stockdale had served his adult life in the US Navy and particularly as a long-term prisoner of war…he had given his life for his country…virtually to the point of death…but the American public considered him a loser – he may have not been pretty to look at, he may have been slow of speech, he may not have had 15 layers of make-up on him, but Admiral Stockdale was no loser.
            This is the picture that the prophet paints of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  Nothing to cause a second – look, nothing to cause us to cast a vote for Him.  Until the 4th century and the time of Constantine, when Christianity was sanctioned by the Roman government, artistic portrayals of Jesus are normal – they are not the high – gloss halo enhanced ultra-bright toothpaste Madison Avenue public relations images we’ve seen for 1700 years.

            Who made the nails that were driven into the body of Jesus Christ?  Pilate?  The soldiers?  The religious leaders?  The crowds?
            Why did Jesus die?  Was He in the wrong place at the wrong time?  Should He have not gone to Jerusalem that particular week?
            Well, there must have been something wrong with Him.  He must have deserved it.  53:3 “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hid their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not…yet we esteemed him stricken by God, and afflicted.”
            Yes, there must have been something wrong with Him.  After all, why would He carry such sorrow about Him, and why would God allow Him to be tried, tortured and executed if He had not done something wrong, very wrong?  Surely the judgement of God on Him was deserved, and therefore “we esteemed Him stricken by God and afflicted.”  Perhaps Jesus made His own nails?
            53:7  “He was oppressed, and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is dumb, so He opened not His mouth.”  Jesus didn’t complain.  He didn’t deny who He was, He didn’t deny the mission He was on, He didn’t complain, He didn’t resist, He was as a Lamb.
            But wait, there is another image of lambs and sheep in this passage, it is in verse 6, “All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
            53:5 “He was wounded for our transgressions.”  53:10 “He makes Himself an offering for sin.”  53:11 “He shall bear their iniquities.”  53:12 “He bore the sin of many.”
            Who manufactured the nails?  Where did they come from?  Was it Pilate, the priests, the people, the soldiers?  Who made the nails?
            750 years after this prophecy, a wild man, another prophet, John the Baptist is dunking people in the Jordan River, crowds surround him, clatter and chatter fill the air, and as John immerses a man here and a woman there and then a child….he glances at the crowd and his eyes freeze…they lock onto One coming toward him…One with no particular physical features to commend Him to those around Him…One to whom no one else pays any attention, any notice…yet from that day forward John will behold no one else in his heart and mind…
            And John the Baptizer speaks the words that have echoed down the corridors of 2000 years, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”  “Behold, behold the Lamb.”
            Who made the nails?  Did Pilate and the soldiers make the nails?  Did the priests and the crowds make the nails?  Did the holy, pure, unblemished Lamb of God make the nails?   Who made the nails?
            Who made the nails that would draw the Blood surrounding this communion table this morning?  How did this table get here from 2000 years ago?  How did this instrument of death…this Cross…find its way into this place on Sunday morning?  Who put these things here?  Who made the nails?
            “The LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”  Not some of us, not just the Hitlers and the Stalins and the Timothy McVeighs and the Ted Bundys…for “All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
            How did this table get here…how did this Cross of execution find its way into this building?  Who made the nails?
            Isaiah will cry out in chapter 64:6, “We have all become like one who is unclean.”  That’s an image of leprosy in the Scriptures.  When lepers went down the street they had to cry out, “Unclean, unclean, unclean,” lest anyone should come in contact with them and contract leprosy.  “We have all become like lepers…we have all become unclean.”
            How did this table get here?  Who let this Cross into the building?  Who made the nails?
            Isaiah goes on to say in chapter 64, verse 6, “and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment.”
            We might say, I might say, you might say, “I’m not leper, look at my life.  I’m a good man or woman.  I try my best.  I don’t hurt people.  I try to treat others as I want to be treated.  I’m ok with God because of the way I live.  I do more good than bad, after all we all mess up from time to time.  But when I leave this earth I will have done more good than bad and God will let me through those pearly gates.  I’m not a leper.”
            But the prophet says, “All we like sheep have gone astray.”  All our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment.”
            The translators were afraid they might offend some of us so they really didn’t give us the in-your-face Hebrew translation of this passage…this is what the Hebrews heard when Isaiah spoke these words, “All our righteous deeds are like a menstrual cloth.”  “All our righteous deeds are like a menstrual cloth.” 
            Not our unrighteous deeds…but those things we DO that we take pride in, those things we DO that cause us to compare ourselves with others, those things we DO that we think will get us into the kingdom of God.  They are all…everyone of them…like a menstrual cloth…and that goes against everything in our self-centered independent rebellious natures…because it means that we can’t do it…it means that we have nothing to offer God for our salvation…
            It means that if you’re relying on church attendance, on teaching Sunday school, on singing in the choir, on contributing to the local food pantry, on preaching, on writing a check out weekly or monthly…it means that all those things that we think are so very very good and that make us Christians…that they are ALL….EVERY ONE OF THEM… a menstrual cloth…and a menstrual cloth is not going to give us eternal life.
            Who made these nails?  Where did these nails come from?  These nails are not just the Ted Bundys and Timothy McVeighs of the world.  These nails are not just the ones who metaphorically go around crying “UNLEAN, UNCLEAN, UNCLEAN,” these nails were not just manufactured by the evil deeds of our fallen and fractured race…but these nails are first and foremost those oh so very righteous deeds that we do that cause us to think that apart from God there is something good in us, something that will cause God to say, separate and apart from Jesus Christ…”You are righteous”.
            For there is none righteous, no not one, all we like sheep have gone astray.
            Who made the nails?  Who caused the Blood surrounding this table to be shed?  Who brought this Cross into this building,  on this planet, before our eyes and lives?
            Was it Pilate and the soldiers?  Was it the priests and crowds?  Was it long-ago personalities out of sight and out of mind?  No, no, a thousand times NO!  Not unnamed faces, not individuals lost in crowds…but ME…Bob Withers…I manufactured the nails…I caused the Blood to flow around this table…I caused this Cross to come into this building….and YOU?  You’ll…have…to…answer…that one.  Did you?  Did you make the nails?  Did you cause the Holy Lamb of God to come and die?  Die of His own free will born out of His love for you?  For if you did…I’ve got great news!!!!  The greatest news ear will ever hear, the greatest news tongue will ever tell…and that is that He died for you to cleanse you and make you whiter than snow…cleaner than clean…purer than pure…He came to bring you back into the arms of His loving heavenly Father…
            Did you manufacture the nails?  If you didn’t…if you are hanging on to your righteous 

deeds…then I have bad news, very bad news for you…that is that you have rejected the Great 

News…the Greatest News of God’s love for you in Jesus Christ…but if you’ll let go of your self-

righteousness…if you’ll let go of those righteous deeds that you wear as a medal, as a badge of 

honor…deeds that God views as a menstrual cloth, and if you’ll but open your heart to the Lamb of 

God, Jesus Christ…then you’ll find unconditional love and forgiveness in an eternal relationship with 

            Because when we say, “God forgive me, I made the nails, bring me home to You!”  God says, “I’ve been waiting all eternity to hear those words, come home my daughter, come home my son.”

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