Monday, August 19, 2024

Our Identity - Ephesians 1 (1)


Here is a message I gave a few years ago on our identity in Jesus Christ. If nothing else, I imagine the story of the letter I rec'd in the mail will amuse was not amusing to Vickie or to me at the time, but looking back it has provided a great story to tell. 

I recall a small group at Gordon - Conwell, gathered around an Aussie who was visiting us, Robert Banks. Someone asked him one of those nice seminary student questions, along the lines of, "What do you see as the greatest need of the Church today?"

His reply was prompt, "We don't know who we are."

That was true then, it is true today.

Much love,




Ephesians 1:1 – 14

Robert L. Withers


            It had been a long week for both Vickie and me and we were both glad to get home that Friday evening after work. At the time we were working in the Washington D.C. area and living in Baltimore…and were we glad to get home…looking forward to a relaxing weekend.

            As Vickie walked in the house, thumbing through the mail that she retrieved, she stopped at a particular envelope and handed it to me with the words, “I think you’d better take a look at this.”

            My hopes that it was notification from Ed McMahon that I had won the Publisher’s Clearing House sweepstakes disappeared as I read the return address: Anne Arundel County, Domestic Relations Court.

            Under the gaze of my wife I opened the envelope. Within was a summons to appear before a court-appointed hearing examiner in five weeks in the matter of Robert T. Withers and Susie Q. Smith (not her real name). It seems that Susie Q. Smith had a child that she needed support for and that Robert T. Withers was the father.

            Now, just for the record, I am Robert L. Withers, I am not now nor have I ever been Robert T. Withers. Also, just for the record, I have never known a Susie Q. Smith.

            “I can’t believe this,” I said to Vickie. “This is crazy. I’ve never heard of Susie Q. Smith and I’ve hardly ever been in Anne Arundel County. I’ll call Monday and straighten this thing out. This is a clear case of mistaken identity.”

            “Monday is a holiday,” Vickie reminded me.

            “Oh great,” I replied, “it’s bad enough we get this on a Friday when there is no one to call over the weekend, but now we have to wait another day.”

            Need I tell you that the weekend didn’t have the relaxing element to it that we had anticipated. Have you ever dealt with bureaucracy before? Maybe the IRS or Social Security or a huge corporation? Have you ever had that feeling of a huge elephant sitting right down on top of you and it seems like there is nothing you or anyone else can do to move the 5,000 pound beast? I kind of had that feeling all weekend as I looked forward to calling the Anne Arundel Court system on Tuesday…

            After getting to the office on Tuesday morning I dialed the number on the summons and the conversation went like this:

            “Hi. I’m sure you hear this a lot, but I don’t know Susie Q. Smith. My name is not Robert T. Withers, it is Robert L. Withers, and this is obviously a case of mistaken identity.”

            “Mr. Withers, you’ll have to appear before the court and explain this. The summons has been issued and there is nothing we can do to change it.”

            That was it. The 5,000 pound elephant had spoken as it sat right down on top of me – it was not a pretty picture.

            Now if you think that three-day weekend was a long weekend, imagine how long the next five weeks were – I mean who knew what would happen? Was I about to be the object of a bizarre series of events that would lead to who-knows-where?

            It was a clear case of mistaken identity – I just hoped that it would be clear to the people who mattered.

            Let’s turn in our Bibles to Ephesians chapter 1:1-14.

            Ephesians is what we might call a circular letter, it was written to be circulated in a particular region along with the letter to the Colossians. We get a picture of this in Colossians 4:16 where we read, “Now when this epistle is read among you, see that it is read also in the church of the Laodiceans, and that you likewise read the epistle from Laodicea.” So we see that Paul wrote some letters to be circulated in the general region where churches were located – as opposed to letters to address specific issues in churches such as 1 & 2 Corinthians.

            If you read Ephesians and Colossians one after the other you will see that there are parallel passages in the two letters, suggesting that they were written at the same time and sent to the same region to be circulated among the churches.

            Our passage this morning, Ephesians 1:1 – 14 has been called “The Little Gospel.” It is called this because it presents God’s Story from before the foundation of the world through the consummation of the ages, of world history, as we understand the term. It contains the fall of man, our alienation from God, and it contains the redemption story in Jesus.

            During the five weeks between receiving the notice to appear in Anne Arundel County court and the actual court date I knew there was only one real issue at hand, the issue of my identity. The question was whether the court would acknowledge that I was Robert L. Withers and not Robert T. Withers.

            Right now, in your purse or wallet, how many cards do you have with special ID numbers on them? Social security? Driver’s license? How many shopping cards do you have? Food Lion? Costco? Kroger? CVS? Credit cards? Library card? Medical insurance card?

            Those of you who have just returned from the mission trip to Mexico – of all the forms of identity that you carried with you across the border – what is the one form of ID that you absolutely could not afford to lose? Yes…your passports. Your passports verify that you are citizens of the United States of America and that not only would you be allowed re-entrance to your homeland – but a US passport also entitles you to aid and assistance from United States embassies and counsels.

             If I go through my wallet and pull out a Food Lion card does that mean that my primary identity is rooted in Food Lion? Or if I pull out a Kroger card does that mean that my primary identity is rooted in Kroger…or Costco…or the county library…or even…with my driver’s license…with the Commonwealth of Virginia? Who am I? Who are you?

to be continued...

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