Thursday, August 29, 2024

What Price? (1)



Are you for sale?


A friend was sharing a conversation with me he had with an acquaintance who operated a regional bank. The question of whether the bank would ever sell itself to a larger bank came up, and the bank executive said, “Well, everyone has his price. If I asked you to sell me your shirt and you didn’t want to sell it at first, eventually I’d offer a dollar amount that you couldn’t refuse.”


When I heard this, which I’ve heard many times before, I had an immediate response to the notion that everyone has a price, that everyone is for sale. However, due to the nature of our discussion I didn’t want to spend time on this subject, knowing that I’d circle back with my friend either through a conversation or by sharing something I’d write.


Even now I’m not going to share my immediate response because I’d like you to ponder the question, “Does everyone have his or her price? Is everyone for sale?”


Better yet, are you for sale?


Are there times in your life when you’ve “sold out”?


Are there times when you’ve chosen the better way?


Are there things you would do differently if you could do them again regarding this matter?


Why or why not?


Are there core Bible teachings that help us think about this?


Let’s keep in mind that we can “sellout” for things other than money. Let’s not jump off the hook so easily.


How might you mentor others in this area of life?


The Lord willing, we’ll pick this back up in our next reflection.


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