Here is something I just wrote for the guys in my Tuesday morning group - maybe there is something here for you.
Dear brothers,
In our group this morning some of
us expressed a desire to cultivate a deeper relationship with Christ in our
experience with the Bible in the morning. Here are some thoughts that might
Don’t turn on anything but the lights and the
coffee maker. I have found this to be critical because once I turn on the TV or
the computer or look at a smartphone it is pretty much all over – my mind is moving
at warp speed as soon as I open my mind to the outside world.
A visual image I use is of a blank sheet of
white paper. What do I want written on that paper? How do I want to begin my
day? What do I want my first impressions of the day to be? That paper
represents my heart, my mind, my soul – I want our Father and Christ to have
the first imprint on my day as I invite the Holy Spirit to speak to me through
God’s Word.
Choose a place in your home that is conducive to
quiet and use the same place every morning.
Have two pads of paper or notebooks with you.
One is to write down any wandering thoughts like, “Don’t forget to take the
trash out. Don’t forget to make a dentist appointment.” Once we write these
things down we don’t need to worry about forgetting them – it gives us some
immediate closure. The other paper is to write down any impressions and
thoughts you get from Christ in His Word in your devotional time. I use a journal
or composition book to write my thoughts and impressions during the quiet time.
I don’t write things down every day, or even every week – (some folks do and
that’s great) – but when I do write something down it’s nice to be able to go
back and look at it.
I am a big advocate of reading one Psalm a day.
No matter what else I’m reading I want to read one Psalm a day. Actually I
start with Psalm One and read 30 Psalms a month – this means that in February I
double up on some days, and in 31-day months I don’t read a Psalm on the last
day. Why? Because this way I read through the Psalms every five months – there are
150 Psalms. It also helps me keep track of where I am reading since every month
begins with either Psalm 1, 31, 61, 91, or 121. I am simple and need a simple
system. You’ll be amazed, I hope, at how you’ll begin to feel at home in the
I also recommend taking the Gospel of John and reading
a passage during your devotional time – not necessarily an entire chapter – and
go with the flow.
The above is, I think, a good way
to begin. Make it a time of talking to our Father and Lord Jesus and listening –
in motorcycle riding there is the idea of “letting the road come to you” and finding
your “line” in the road – you don’t want to force things on a motorcycle or you
will soon have road rash at best, or a bad accident at worst. When I was riding
and I learned to find my own line and not try to be someone else I learned to
enjoy riding.
Start the road trip, fire the
bike up, and see where God takes you in 2020.
Our Father and Lord Jesus love YOU
with all that they are. Relax, take your time – let your time be God’s time –
let God surprise you – He will…He absolutely will.
And remember please – there are
only two things you should turn on – the coffee maker and the lights – trust me
on this boys, I know from experience.
I love you,